How is This Website?

Thank you for taking the time to give us some honest and constructive feeback.

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Selected Value: 5
On a scale of 0-10, with 10 being fantastic and zero being horrible, how would you rate this website's navigation? Was it easy to find what you wanted? Was it easy to understand how to use it?
Selected Value: 5
On a scale of 0-10, with 10 being fantastic and zero being horrible, how would you rate this website's content? Is it high quality, well written, and easy to understand?
Selected Value: 5
On a scale of 0-10, with 10 being fantastic and zero being horrible, how would you rate this website's features, accessibility functions such as text audio, larger text displays, light and dark modes, overall layout / design, and general functionality?
Selected Value: 5
Is this website enticing, interesting, beautiful, functional, and something lovely to use? Please rate 0-10 - with 10 meaning the website is fantastic, easy to use, lovely to view, excellent experience; and 0 meaning the website is hard to understand, not inviting, frustrating to use.
Please give us any ideas or suggestions you have on how to make this better. Also tell us what you love! And, thanks!
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