BZ Speaker Data Input Formatter

Steps to Add a New Ben Zakkai Speaker into the System:

  1. Add photo headshot to Media area of website
  2. Create new Product for this Series using code in Product Baseline Code.txt (change one line)
  3. Note URL for photo and URL for Product
  4. Fill in the form below, inserting the saved URLs where appropriate
  5. Copy/paste the formatter output code into the three files:
    • Schedule.txt
    • Series Details Database New.txt
    • BZ JavaScript Routines.js
  6. Add speaker to spkrData table in BZ JavaScript Routines.js for Scholars Who Guide Our Learning page, then add the speaker in the appropriate place in the html for the Scholars page
  7. Create new .html files for Schedule and Database txt files
  8. Install the Schedule.html, Details Database New.html, and BZ JavaScript Routines.js into the Media area

Speaker Name

Speaker Last Name

Tiny Name (last all lowercase)

Recording and Handout Key (year, title, initials, month; eg. 24ral06)

Return Speaker Series indicator (enter B for 2nd time, C for 3rd, etc; leave blank otherwise)

Series Title

Series Dates (text of “Month Day, Year”)

Month and Year of above Date

Series Description First Part

Series Description Second Part

Speaker Bio First Part

Speaker Bio Second Part

Registration Link (full URL)

Headshot Image URL tail end (specific link in Media area, excluding media base)

Is the above information incomplete? (yes or no)